Koh Tao Weather & Climate
What the Weather is like on Koh Tao
The climate in Thailand can be described as sub-tropical and humid for most of the year, although it can get cooler towards the end of the year, which you can feel in Bangkok and further north.
The southern region of Thailand is only separated by a small land mass and has seasonal changes that are different on the east and west side of the main coast.
On the west coast of Thailand the southwest monsoon brings rain and storms from April to October, whilst on the east coast where Koh Tao is situated, usually the most rain falls between October and December.
Our brief overview of what the weather can be like on Koh Tao.

Koh Tao Weather December – January
Koh Tao experiences the lowest temperatures of the year in December and January (average 27 C) and the warmest time of year, known as the hot and dry season, occurs from March through too May (average 32 C).
April is traditionally the hottest month of the year when the Songkran festival takes place and marks the Thai New Year.
Koh Tao has a sub tropical climate, so there is the humidity factor (over 80%) to consider and this can affect people differently.
It is important that you stay hydrated, especially as scuba divers and make sure you drink lots of water whenever you are in Thailand.
Koh Tao Weather February – May
Hot and Dry Season
This time of year is usually the hot season with blue skies, sunny days and stunning, memorable sunsets.
The visibility underwater is excellent, often as far as your eyes can see and the water temperature can reach 30 degrees Celsius.
This time of year also sees the lowest rainfall, which means we all need to be more responsible when using water on Koh Tao.
Please be aware of this when showering and using water in your hotel room.
The Air temperature can reach the mid 30 degrees Celsius and the humidity levels are approaching 85-90%.
If you like it hot then this is the best time to visit. The diving conditions are also the best and we often see Whalesharks at this time, along with the most amazing sunsets.
Koh Tao Weather May – October
Hot and Windy Season
The south west winds start in May, blowing in from the Indian Ocean and this is when the west coast of Thailand (Phuket, Krabi, Koh Phi Phi, Koh Lanta etc.), experience their monsoon.
However, on the east side of Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand, Koh Tao gets a little more rain between May – September than the previous 4 months of the year.
The rain usually arrives in periodic showers (mostly through the night) as the air cools, but generally the weather is hot with increased wind that comes in from the south west towards Koh Tao.
Koh Tao Weather October – December
Wet Season
Koh Tao is located approximately 70 kilometres from the east coast mainland in the Gulf of Thailand and is relatively protected from the May – October monsoon that affects the west coast.
On Koh Tao the monsoon season arrives much later, with the rains usually starting in late October and they can continue into December or January, if it is a late start.
Based on previous years, generally the peak of the Koh Tao monsoon would be in November, however, it usually stops at the start of the new year.
Monsoon Rain on Koh Tao
Monsoon rain on Koh Tao means the island is subjected too much heavier and prolonged rainfall, however, most of this can fall through the night and during the daytime it can be hot sunshine.
There is an element of unpredictability, like all weather patterns and there have been recent years, when the monsoon rain arrived very late, in the New Year or not at all.
It is also worth remembering, like the whole of southern Thailand, the weather remains hot and mostly humid throughout the whole year.
Hours of daylight each day are also regular on Koh Tao, due to its proximity to the equator with sunrises and sunsets happening at the same time each day, 365 days a year.
There is no daylight saving as in western Europe or short daylight days like there is with countries in the Northern Hemisphere.
Koh Tao Weather – Climate Change
As with most parts of the world the weather has become more unpredictable in recent years with dry periods becoming longer and hotter and wet seasons being longer and more intense.
The weather seasons on Koh Tao are much less definable than we remember them from 20 years ago.
The great thing about Koh Tao and its location in the Gulf of Thailand, is shelter from Tsunamis, earthquakes, cyclones and volcanoes that affect almost every other area of south East Asia.
Koh Tao Holiday Destination
With a sub-tropical climate, beaches, bays, lush, green jungle and over 8 kilometres of pristine Coral reef, Koh Tao offers visitors a safe and consistent environment.
The island provides an abundance of activities for all demographics both in-water and on land with a wide range of food and drink choices and local amenities.
Modern high speed transport ensures Koh Tao is easy to reach and a modern telecommunications infrastructure means westerners can enjoy home comforts from a remote tropical location.
At times, when rain arrives it can be very welcome as it helps too cool and clear the hot, humid air temperature and replenish the natural underground water table and community water tanks.