PADI Equipment Instructor Specialty Course

BOOK NOWPrice: 4,000

Become an Equipment Specialist Instructor on Koh Tao

As a PADI Scuba Diving Instructor, it would be great to be able to teach your student divers how to care for and repair their scuba diving equipment.

The PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor specialty course will teach you exactly how to do this.

You will learn how to teach basic maintenance procedures to your student divers and explain in more detail how dive equipment works.

Learn to Teach Equipment Specialty Course to Student Divers

You will also teach them the theory, principles and operation of diving equipment.

This entry level equipment course is a great compliment to any certified diver, teaching them common problems with equipment and recommended professional maintenance procedures.

The PADI Equipment Specialist course teaches your student divers how to manage basic repairs and adjustments, which will make your student divers more comfortable with their equipment and better prepared to take care of it.


Included in Koh Tao Equipment Specialist Instructor Course

To enroll on a PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor course you must:

  • Be at least a PADI Assistant Instructor

1 Day PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor Specialty Course

The course consists of two sections:

  • Knowledge Development
  • Practical Application sessions


At Black Turtle Dive we take our customer promise very seriously.

Our Dive Instructors are highly trained and will ensure you receive lots of attention and most importantly, progress at your own pace in a relaxed environment.

During your training we will slowly build your confidence and ability as you develop the skills necessary to become a competent Equipment Specialist Instructor.

Koh Tao Equipment Specialist Instructor Course Schedule

The Equipment Specialist Instructor course schedule at Black Turtle Dive is flexible and we can work around your own personal needs and timeframe.

This course is often scheduled as part of a multi-instructor specialty program such as our MSDT program. 

Please feel free to ask if you have any special requests either via email or on one of the messenger apps on this page. 

PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor Specialty Course cost: 4,000 baht

Course Schedule

Day 1:

09.00 – 11.30: Orientation & Knowledge Development

12.30 – 14:00: Equipment Specialist Practical Application

You are now a certified PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor.


PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor Specialty Course Information

Equipment Specialist Knowledge Development

The PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor specialty course consists of a knowledge development section and practical assessments with skill presentations.

During the knowledge development section, you must complete the following:

  • Present a knowledge development presentation from the PADI Equipment Specialist course specialty manual by prescriptively teaching a missed question from the knowledge review.
  • Review & understand the purpose and goals of the PADI Equipment Specialist course.
  • Review & explain the Equipment Specialist course standards and procedures from the PADI Specialty Course Instructor Guide and list all student and Instructor equipment requirements.
  • Demonstrate mastery of all knowledge development.
  • Describe how to conduct all course segments in a manner that enables divers to meet course performance requirements.
  • Participate in a marketing and promotional workshop where you will learn techniques to promote the Equipment Specialist specialty course to your students and the general diving public.
  • Participate in a pricing workshop.

Equipment Specialist Skill Development

There are four main areas you must cover with scuba diving equipment, such as: BCD’s, regulators, masks, fins and dive computers.

The four are are:

  • The theory, principles and operation of diving equipment.
  • Routine, recommended care and maintenance procedures and equipment storage.
  • Common problems with equipment and recommended professional maintenance procedures including repair procedures.
  • Simple suggestions for comfortable equipment configurations and an introduction to new equipment.

Upon completion of all the performance requirements, you will receive the PADI Equipment Specialist Specialty Instructor certification.

2025 PADI Fees  

PADI Emergency Equipment Specialist Instructor Application fee: A$139


PADI Materials

Please bring your PADI Specialty Course Instructor Manual.

You will also need a copy of the PADI Instructor Manual that is available as a free download for all renewed PADI Members from