Emergency First Aid Instructor Course Koh Tao

BOOK NOWPrice: 8,000

Learn to teach the EFR First Aid Instructor course on Koh Tao

Do you want to build on your skills as an Emergency Responder and focus on developing your instructional abilities to teach first aid and CPR skills to others?

Do you want to earn additional income by teaching first aid and CPR skills in the workplace?

First Aid & CPR Instructor

Or maybe you need to be an EFR Instructor before PADI will register you as being a teaching status Dive Instructor?

The EFR Instructor Course is based on internationally recognized emergency care guidelines and teaches you how to teach first aid and CPR skills, present additional course content and encourage mastery through positive coaching techniques.

EFR Primary & Secondary Care Instructor Course

During the EFRI we will teach you how to deliver first aid skill-based teaching presentations and increase your knowledge and understanding of first aid treatment.  

Take your first aid skills onto a new level and gain the ability to perform role model skill demonstrations and teach and certify Emergency First Responders.

Take the next step as an emergency first aid responder and become an EFR Instructor on Koh Tao

Learning the EFR Instructor course enables you to impart your knowledge and skills of primary and secondary care to others.

Included in the Koh Tao EFR Instructor Course

  • 2-day program that includes Primary & Secondary Care and Care for Children courses
  • EFR Instructor manuals
  • All first aid equipment required
  • Maximum 4 students per EFR Instructor
  • Black Turtle Dive Customer (and environmental) promise


To enroll on an EFR Instructor course you must:

  • Hold a recognized First Aid and CPR certificate valid within the last 24 months
  • 18 years of age or older

We conduct the EFR Instructor course over 2 days.

We have a course scheduled every month as part of our PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC).

We can schedule all our courses around your schedule if this does not fit with your itinerary on Koh Tao.

Koh Tao EFR Instructor Course Information

Our EFR Instructor course consists of two courses: Primary & Secondary Care Instructor Course (EFRI) and EFR Care for Children course.

Each course consists of four sections:

  • Course Overview and standards
  • Knowledge Development
  • Skill practice and development
  • Scenario practice

EFR Instructor Knowledge Development

  • Watch the EFR Primary & Secondary Care & Care for Children DVD to familiarize yourself with what your students will be watching.
  • Complete four Independent Learning, Self-Study Instructor Knowledge Reviews on the following subjects
    • Program standards
    • Human Body Systems
    • Medical Emergencies
    • Care for Children Instructor Knowledge Review
  • Participate in the following EFR Instructor Trainer led presentations
    • Instructor course Orientation
    • Emergency First Response Educational Philosophy
    • Learning & Instruction (if not doing IDC)
    • Care for Children and CPR & AED Course Standards and Content
    • Organizing an Emergency First Response Course
    • Marketing Emergency First Response workshop

EFR Instructor Skill Practice & Development

There are 12 mandatory skills and 2 recommended skills that you will teach as part of the EFR Primary & Secondary course.

Primary Care Skills

The EFR skill practice and development will be conducted by one of our EFRI Instructor Trainers and includes the following skills:

Primary Care (CPR):

  • Scene Assessment
  • Barrier Use
  • Primary Assessment
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Serious Bleeding Management
  • Shock Management
  • Spinal Injury Management
  • Conscious and Unconscious Choking Management
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use
  • Emergency Oxygen Use

Secondary Care Skills

Emergency First Response Secondary Care (first aid) covers injuries or illnesses that are not immediately life threatening. 

The Secondary Care (first aid) skills conducted during the skill practice and development are:

  • Injury Assessment
  • Illness Assessment
  • Bandaging
  • Splinting for Dislocations and Fractures

The Emergency First Response Instructor course also discusses first aid treatment for the following emergencies:

Allergic Reactions, Asthma, Bruises, Burns, Chemical Burns, Choking (adult, child, infant), CPR (adult, child, infant), Cuts, Dental Injuries, Diabetic Problems, Dislocations and Fractures, Electrical Injuries, Eye Injuries, First Aid Kit Assembly, Fish Spine Injury, Frostbite, Heat Exhaustion, Heatstroke, Heart Attack, Hypothermia, Insect Stings, Jellyfish Stings, Octopus Bites, Poisoning, Scrapes, Seizures, Snake Bites, Spider Bites, Sprains and Strains, Stroke, Temperature Related Injuries and Venomous Bites and Stings.


To successfully complete the EFR Instructor Course (EFRI) you must:

  • Complete the four Self-Study Knowledge Reviews; EFR program standards, Human Body Systems, Medical Emergencies & EFR Care for Children program standards.
  • Participate in all (eight) required Emergency First Response Instructor Course Presentations.
  • Teach at least two primary or secondary care skills from the Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR), Secondary Care (First Aid) or CPR & AED courses.
  • Teach at least one skill from the Care for Children course.
  • During skill teaching presentations, candidates must identify problems or ineffective techniques and appropriately correct them using positive coaching methods.
  • Demonstrate role-model technique for all 15 (required and optional) Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care course skills.
  • Demonstrate role-model technique for the following Care for Children skills:
    • Skill 3 – Child CPR
    • Optional Skill – Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use with Children
    • Skill 4 – Infant CPR
    • Conscious Choking Child
    • Conscious Choking Infant
  • Successfully complete the Instructor Course Final Exam with a score of 75 percent or higher

EFR Instructor Course Cost: 8,000 baht

EFR Instructor Application: $AUS242

EFR Instructor Manuals: 4,000 baht


Instructor Materials

All EFRI candidates must have a set of required materials for use during the course, and to retain afterwards.

You can purchase the EFR Instructor manualsPrimary and Secondary Care and EFR Care for Children from us directly.

We can give you these items once you arrive on Koh Tao.

At Black Turtle Dive we take our customer promise very seriously and we want to ensure our passion for providing the highest quality diver training and customer service, is passed onto you.

By instilling our customer promise into each one of our professional candidates, we believe it provides them with the best chance of success within the diving industry.

Our Emergency First Response Instructors and Instructor Trainers are incredibly experienced. We have conducted 100’s of EFR Instructor courses over the past 18 years.

Teaching the EFR Course

With our EFR Instructor course, it is our intention to train you to become a multi skilled EFR Instructor, who in the future, we would have no hesitation employing ourselves.

We will build up your skills, knowledge, confidence and ability to work as a First Aid and CPR Instructor.

You will progress at your own pace, and receive additional attention in areas you are weak in, as you develop the skills necessary to become a competent EFR Instructor.

Koh Tao EFR Instructor Course Schedule

Emergency First Response Primary & Secondary Instructor Course

The Emergency First Response Primary & Secondary Instructor course is scheduled on day 7 & 8 of the Instructor Development course (IDC) and we conduct IDC’s every month at Black Turtle Dive.

If you are only interested in completing the EFRI course and our dates do not match with your dates, let us know your preferred dates and we will do our best to work around your personal needs and timeframe.

EFR Instructor Course Cost: 8,000 baht

Course Schedule

Day 1:

  • Orientation
  • Learning & Instruction (if not doing IDC)
  • Review EFRI Knowledge reviews
  • Watch EFR VDO

Day 2:

  • Emergency First Response Educational Philosophy
  • Care for Children and CPR & AED Course Standards and Content
  • Skills workshops
  • Skill presentations and scenarios
  • Organizing an Emergency First Response Course
  • Marketing Emergency First Response workshop
  • Final Exam

You are now certified as an Emergency First Responder in Primary & Secondary care for the next 24 months.


Koh Tao EFR Instructor Course Details

Knowledge Development

The knowledge development section of the EFRI is divided between independent study knowledge reviews and a series of in class knowledge development presentations and workshops, led by one of our EFR Instructor Trainers.

You will start by completing the knowledge reviews and watching the EFR participant DVD.

You will use the two instructor guides (Emergency First Response – Primary and Secondary Care and EFR Care for Children) to answer the questions in the self-study knowledge reviews.

Primary & Secondary Care and EFR Care for Children

We recommend that you complete all independent learning before you begin the EFR Instructor course.

Your EFR Instructor Trainer will review the four knowledge reviews on Day 1 of the EFRI course prior to any other knowledge or skill development.

The EFR Instructor Trainer led knowledge development sessions are integrated in the schedule, together with your skills workshops, presentations and scenarios.  

Skill Development Workshops – EFR Instructor course

The skill development workshop helps instructor candidates refresh first aid and CPR skills and develop those skills into a role model demonstration quality standard needed to conduct EFR training courses. 

Our EFR Instructor Trainer will demonstrate the 15 skills you must complete then allow you time to practice.

Role Model Demonstration Skills

We will coach and work with you until you are able to perform all 15 skills from the EFR primary and secondary care course to role model demonstration quality yourself.

You will also be required to demonstrate role-model technique for Child & Infant CPR and conscious choking child & infant from the EFR Care for Children course.

Teaching Presentations Workshops – EFR Instructor course

The EFR teaching presentation workshop helps instructor candidates develop teaching and positive coaching techniques and formulate presentations for Emergency First Response courses.

One of our EFR Instructor trainers will assign instructor candidates skills to teach from the Emergency First Response primary care and secondary care skills.

By the end of the course, we will have covered all 15 of the necessary skills.

Instructor candidates must provide role model demonstrations to their role-playing participants by offering positive reinforcement and gentle, but effective, corrective positive coaching techniques.

EFR Teaching Presentation

You will also integrate EFR educational materials such as the EFR DVD & manual into your teaching presentation.

Your EFR Instructor trainer will assign problems appropriate to the skill to each instructor candidate playing a participant/student role.

The candidate who is playing the role of the instructor provides positive coaching to help the students overcome any misunderstandings, at the same time as create a willingness to participate and learn within a group situation.


EFR Instructor Course Cost: 8,000 baht

EFR Instructor Application – $AUS 242

EFR Instructor Materials – 4,000 baht